Dec 14, 2010

Latest News

Good news!  Things are moving forward!

A Marketing Taskforce consisting of Irv Rhodes, Ellen Kaufman, Sue Cinner, Chris Pilsner and Susan Rupp has been meeting in an effort to move things forward quickly.  Here are some updates:

-We have a more comprehensive email list generated and are widening our efforts to reach former members with it as well as by regular mail. 
-A central information phone line is being set up and will be made available next week, coordinated by Ellen Kaufman.
-Irv is working with investors, negotiating a favorable lease for the former site, moving towards setting up an account for the new entity to be able to accept funds, and persuing new equipment options that are more advantageous than leasing the old equipment would have been.
-Irv has also negotiated an exrtremely favorable lease for the former site
-The number one prioity is more members signed up. Please share any ideas about recruitment.
-Another important job is a name for the new business, as so many other things are waiting for that descision to be made.  We'll be posting a list of possible names for feedback soon.


  1. Can we get some publicity in the Gazette or on NPR -- a write-up that would highlight the community effort?

    I think the name Our Gym is perfect!

  2. So many of us have been calling it our gym for the past two months (even when it didn't have an official designation, ie. "don't you miss our gym?"), so I vote to stick with it.
